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70. Fit For An Autopsy - "Oh What Their Future Holds"

Okay, that was a short respite from the tsunami of angry young men shouting at us. We are right back in the fray here with the internally angry Fit for an Autopsy. We are getting to the point already when there is very little wrong with the albums that I have selected and is now just on the scale of what I loved the most. I was instantly taken with the inventiveness of this record. Death metal can be incredibly conservative and struggles with anything that doesn’t fit into its rigid structures. This felt gloriously different. 

Yes, it’s heavy, and yes it is driven by gruff vocals but there seemed to be so much variety and diversity in where the music behind the screaming was actually going. So much of this stuff is heavy and pounding simply for the sake of being heavy and pounding. But this felt different, there were textures and shifts in the level of intensity. As a singular entity, it felt like the band had realized that you didn’t need to be full on the entire time and that actually if you lent back now and again, it made the impact of the next wave of desolate anger even more potent