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666 : 666…. And We’re Back In The Room….

t’s been a long looong year hasn’t it? When Covid shut everything down in March of 2020, did we really think we would still be here, lives restricted beyond recognition, 15 months later? I don’t know about you but I’ve found it really hard to be parted from my family, my friends, my work colleagues and my live music for so long. But here we are, restrictions are finally lifting and there is a glimmer of hope on the horizon and a hint of anticipation in the air. Will we ever get back what we have lost? Possibly not, but in the meantime we can, I think, begin to plan things again. 

I went to two gigs in May. Yes, you read that correctly, two actual real live music events. Spike at Eleven in Stoke and Gin Annie (with Apriori supporting) at the Waterloo in Blackpool. Socially distanced, masked and sanitised, seated, table service, safety first but live events nonetheless. I’m going to another this weekend, and I should be at the first festival of the year (Loverocks in Dorset) before the middle of the month. The Download pilot (or Diddy Download as it has become known in these parts) is happening and has nearly sold out in just 2 days and with only 2 weeks until it happens. Other festivals and events are lined up for later in the summer, and although the big events and the arena-sized gigs have had to reschedule yet again it seems the smaller venues are booking like crazy.

For your average live music punter like me there is finally a light at the end of the tunnel after what has been the strangest of years. Online streams have saved the sanity of both audience and bands to a degree, but sitting in your own living room rather than being with your friends or just a bunch of like-minded strangers just hasn’t been the same. It seems though that the easing of covid restrictions may not be the end of live-streaming – I’ve heard on the grapevine that some venues and bands have invested in decent technology and it will be interesting to see if paid livestreams for those unable to physically attend will become a “thing” in the future.

At the moment any gigs we may attend are still socially distanced, but this should change soon and we will return to normal. Will it be the same old normal that we used to have or some kind of new normal? Well to be honest we don’t know yet, but what we do know is that despite everything that the Covid pandemic could throw at it, live music has survived. It’s not unscathed, and there have been many casualties, but we still have a base to build on. 

And that’s where we come in. Me and you. The crowd, the punter, the audience. Us, the fans. Live music needs us all more than ever. We now know that we can take nothing for granted, and we must make the most of every opportunity. With that in mind, I’m asking you not to hesitate when you are looking at the “buy it now” button on the ticket page. Buy the ticket, go to the gig. The small band you see playing in your local this week could turn out to be the next AC/DC, and there’s nothing more satisfying than being able to look back when that happens and say “I was there”.

Our events page is filling up, but there’s always room for more. If you want to see what’s on at your local venue, get on there and have a look. If you know of a gig coming up that’s not there, tell us and we’ll add it. For this year we will also be listing as many festivals that are going ahead as we can too. So let’s get out there and rock, because live music needs you now more than ever. 

See this gallery in the original post