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Bloodstock 2021 Countdown : 30 Bands not to Miss : 10. Raised By Owls, Lawnmower Deth, Slay Duggee, Evil Scarecrow

Bumper entry here as it essentially made sense to group the four parody or at least comedy acts together. Despite what the mainstream may think, Metal can and invariably does take the piss out of itself. In fact, all four of these acts have made a career out of it. What this isn't though is nod nod wink wink post modern irony. All four acts wear their love of this music on their sleeves, they are just having an immense amount of fun with it. So sing along to Raised By Owls pop culture absurdities on Wednesday, rejoice in Lawnmower Deth's all consuming audience participation on Thursday, chortle along with Slay Duggee's Death Metal versions of children's TV themes on Friday and then on Sunday get ready to scuttle left with Evil Scarecrow. More mirth than you can shake a stick at. Who says we don’t have a sense of humour?