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Download 2019 Countdown : 19. Power Trip, Main Stage on Saturday, 13:10 - 13:50

It wasn't even midday when Power Trip took to the stage at Bloodstock last year and yet they managed to tear the place a proverbial new one. They were the word of mouth hit of the festival with psyched up revellers feverishly asking each other "Did you see Power Trip?". They are Thrash but they have rejected the retro route taken by 99% of the current thrash revival, instead presenting a very 2019 version of this most beloved of genres. This is Thrash with the brutality of Death Metal and the accessibility of Metalcore, managing to sound more alive than most of its peers. That astonishing Bloodstock performance (and rumours of an absolutely stunning new album) has guaranteed them a pretty impressive main stage slot at Download, so get down to the front as this will be another of "I was there!" moment.

By Stewart Lucas