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Live Review : Enslaved + Svalbard + Wayfarer @ Club Academy, Manchester on March 8th 2024

Evolution. The first thing that comes to my mind when viewing a tour consisting of Enslaved, Svalbard, and Wayfayrer. A line up that represents phenomenal histories and past accomplishments but also outstandingly bright futures. Most importantly it showcase that ability to morph and metamorphose as all three bands started in one place but very much transmuted into different entities

Wayfayrer are riding on the critical acclaim for “American Gothic” (number 56 in our countdown of 2023 releases). It’s easy to see why many eyes have been turned firmly in the direction of the North Americans. Their live sound is drenched in raw atmospherics whilst intelligently blending folk, black and gothic metal influences. 

Club Academy is sparsely populated to begin with, but it slowly begins to fill during this set. Despite appearing nervous and lacking that commanding presence of a well-established touring act, they demonstrated enough raw potential and evidence that they posses the tools to adapt and to reach higher ship readership level. 

Of the three bands on this night, no band personifies evolution quite like Svalbard. Tonight they are a well-oiled machine, well adapted to the challenges life on the road as a touring band. The crowd eagerly make their way closer to the barrier to secure a prime viewing spot during the band change over. 

In her soft spoken manner, Vocalist/lead guitarist Serena testifies of her appreciation for being able to tour with bands she genuinely admires. As ever her statements sizzle with sincerity. She is not just making backchat for the sake of it, she absolutely means everything she answers. It is therefore additionally battling how she is able to flick a switch and transform into an absolute juggernaut of a guttural vocalist, capable of unleashing demonic growl after blooding curdling roar.

The contribution of Liam’s backing vocals are just as crucial to Svalbard’s performance. Adding much welcome depth and variety. Their vocal styles compliment one another, as does their respective musicianship, as an array of spectacular atmospheric guitar tones fill the venue throughout their set.

After slogging away in the underground for over a decade, the year 2023 marked their signing to Nuclear Blast and the release of the quite incredible “Weight Of The Mask” (number three on our list for those keeping tally). As would be expected they heavily mine their recent release but also manage to sprinkle tracks that have become the backbone of their set. 

 On International Women’s Day, ‘Clickbait’ makes its way back into contention. A song that challenges the unfortunate and reprehensible misogynistic behaviour displayed by some in the industry. Perhaps no other song could be more fitting, and as a direct result is most well received by the crowd.   

Every Svalbard performance is hopefully another notch towards eventual and inevitable world domination. There is just something hypnotically fantastic about the way they manage to balance crushing brutality with fragile vulnerability. This is metal with its soul ripped open and it feels insatiably edifying.

The UK is seemingly becoming Enslaved’s home away from home now given their frequent visits to the island, including 3 visits to this fair city within the last 5 months. They seem to be spending more time in these northern climes than their Viking forefathers did. Rather than playing classic full album sets though (as they did at Damnation and Night Of Salvation), tonight’s set represents more of a contemporary mix of tracks from the Norwegian powerhouse impressive discography that spans 3 decades, including last year’s release “Heimdal”. 

As for the band’s live mix, whatever their sound engineer is being paid, triple it! Details matter, and no stone was left unturned. Every note in that mix was as crucial as the last, with every instrument getting adequate attention to shine. Whether it was the organ, bass, drums or that absolute raging lead guitar solo in ‘Homebound!’ Raw emotion and feeling was prioritised over needlessly technical complexity, and the echoes of which still were ringing in my mind the very next day. 

The band’s front man Grutle is a phenomenon on that stage, his blood curdling KVLT style shrieks reverberating off the walls of the now packed out venue. He commanded the red-hot audience with frightening ease. He could have told the hundreds in attendance to spontaneously conga and they would have willingly complied! 

Much like Svalbard, the band’s backing vocalists are just as an important cog in this well refined unit, offering much calmer and somewhat soothing vocal tones, juxtaposing nicely with Grutle’s sheer ferocity. 

‘Havenless’ is the set highlight. Imagine 500 or so people together, hands in the air, clapping and singing along in unison to the captivating chants lead by the band. Deep rooted, primitive and emotional, even if this was sung entirely in the band’s native language this didn’t matter in the slightest. A moment to illustrate the capacity that music has to transcend cultural and linguistic barriers, and to spread a message of unity and togetherness. Something the world needs more than ever right now! 

Whilst all 3 bands are at various stages in their evolution it would appear, all brought something unique to the evening’s festivities and made for a thoroughly enjoyable evening. What’s in store for all 3 in the not too distant future and what paths will they take? Tune in to find out….

Check the “In The Flesh” page for more photos!
Enslaved, Svalbard, Wayfarer

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