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Live Review : Sam Millar & The Sass Bandits, Atlas + Square Wild @ The Waterloo Music Bar, Blackpool on August 1st 2021

This gig has been a long time coming! It was first mooted before there was even a hint of covid in the air – Sam Millar had got the band together and recorded a couple of EPs and they were itching to get out on tour and play live. The possibility of a date at the Waterloo was mentioned, we were waiting for confirmation and then the world stopped. When things started to open up again there had been some shifting of band members, and the Waterloo show was originally booked as the band’s second ever gig. It was to be a socially-distanced event in October last year but sadly it got cancelled for the first time when we went into lockdown again in the autumn. Tickets in hand we waited eagerly for a new date. Yes, sorted, still socially distanced so seated and masked but the first weekend in June was good to go. Until just 2 days before the gig Sam Millar tested positive for covid. Luckily he was not seriously ill, but he did have to isolate and the gig was postponed yet again. You really couldn’t make it up.

Finally, third (or is it fourth?) time lucky, we trooped up the M6 for an afternoon of live music, and thankfully this time it was a disaster-free and fun-filled occasion.

Square Wild were a new band to me, I’ve not come across them before. They are a 4-piece, local(ish) going by the accentss and their music was a bit of a mishmash of styles and sounds. They started with an instrumental version of the theme from The Exorcist, which is of course part of Mike Oldfield’s “Tubular Bells” album. OK, that wasn’t too bad but I found the rest of the set a little too proggy for me I’m afraid. The band were adept at mixing genres and there were elements of soul, funk and reggae as well as rock, all topped off with vocals that reminded me a lot of Gwen Stefani and No Doubt. Interesting but not mesmerising. Well maybe more mesmerising than I realised. As they were finishing I only remembered that I probably should have taken some photos of them. Oops. Maybe next time?

Atlas on the other hand are well known to me and well liked to boot. Their smooth, slick AOR style is right up my street and is made even better this time because they have finally listened to my previous criticism and encouraged a couple of the band members to have a crack at some backing vocals. This filled out the sound nicely and provided some much-needed support to Craig’s rather fine vocals. I do still have one thing to whinge about though, the fake American accent was a bit daft when we know you come from Wigan my friend! The set was bursting at the seams with radio-friendly classic rock taken from their 2 albums, and I enjoyed it very much. A bit of bopping took place, and a few clapalongs might have happened. I’ve had worse Sundays.

The big moment then. First ever gig for Sam Millar and The Sass Bandits. You will probably remember Sam as he was a stalwart member of Bigfoot for several years before they split. The band is currently comprised of Sam Millar doing lead vocals and guitars, Manchester’s favourite prog rock diva Matt Jones on guitars and vocals, Benji Faith on bass, James Thorley (doing a double shift as he also plays for Atlas) on keyboards and Alex-whose-name-I-didn’t-catch on drums. There has obviously been a lot of rehearsing going on as (especially considering it was their first gig) the band was tight and together and if anyone except Alex (who broke a drum. No, really) screwed up we really didn’t notice. Sam was visibly nervous at first, but with the support of his band, the quality of his music and the warm reception from the crowd that didn’t last long and he was soon trading licks and quips with Matt and displaying a wry sense of humour alongside his guitar prowess. The set comprised pretty much all the tracks on the 2 Eps released so far (which are available at a very competitive price on the website and was a riot of happy bouncy rock. Some of the songs sound a little bit like something else and Sam plays on this, giving us teasers in the intros that makes you think he is going to do a cover before veering off into one of his own compositions. This is lighthearted, lightweight frothy rock but that’s a good thing. Oooh, cappuccino rock, smooth and creamy yet bubbly and with a hint of a kick as you get more into it. I (or maybe the band!) just invented a new rock genre! It’s music to get you up and dancing, music to make you smile. It was happy music, played well, and I loved it. Sam Millar and his Sass Bandits are a delight to watch, and I’m looking forward to catching them again soon I hope.

See this gallery in the original post