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Live Review : Skarlett Riot + Lesbian Bed Death + Maziac @ Rebellion, Manchester on November 18th 2021

I head into Rebellion for the first time since the before times of January 2020, slightly disorientated by the new wall around the entrance (pretty sure that wasn’t there before?) and even more disturbed by the toilets now seeming to be outside… and while the original toilets were not great now I am greeted with portaloos! Bar isn’t much better as I order a pint of coke but it’s more akin to Rola Cola than something more palatable. Urgh.

It turns out one of the support bands has dropped out as their van has broken down, which is good as I haven’t missed anything yet. Check out rock band Liberty Lies, from what I’ve seen on YouTube they sound good and it’s a shame to have missed them. I will definitely be looking to see if they are back in Manchester soon.

So the first band to take to the stage are Maziac and a small crowd gather. A three piece band from London who cite their influences as Tool, Mastodon, Devin Townsend and Deftones. I like all those bands… not sure I like Maziac. They are noisy, heavy and it’s incredibly smoky. They play through a few really heavy tracks and the audience seem to like them but I’m not over enamoured. They switch tempo and play something less shouty and the next few tracks are not too bad. I am thinking they should have opened with one of these to warm the crowd up a bit first. They promise one final song and ask the crowd if they want something noisy or quieter and are met with cries for something loud. Finally they seem to have hit their stride and could probably have done with the chance to play a few more songs but the set is over.

Next up is Lesbian Bed Death. They describe themselves as Gothic Punk meets Hard Rock with a theme of Horror running throughout. They have been around since the early 2000s and their website lists the many shows, festivals and members the band have seen over the years. The current line-up has only been in place since July and I think it shows. They seem to be having a few sound issues but they engage well with the bigger crowd that has gathered and the music is a complete change to what we have just heard. Songs include ‘Bring Out Your Dead’ and ‘Halloween’. I remember the song titles and the songs being quite catchy. I raise a wry smile as the guitarist flashes us a message on this underside of his guitar (I was going to put instrument but that is all kinds of wrong) that simply says “Fuck Boris”. The singer tell us she is a massive fan girl of Skarlett Riot so perhaps in part it’s nerves but something is missing here… or perhaps they have not quite gelled yet as a live act. I’m intrigued to see what is next for this band and the premise is good.

And finally Skarlett Riot, the headline act we have all been waiting for. Although the venue is still not full, a reasonable sized crowd of committed fans has gathered, with quite a few band t-shirts evident and even a few very young fans. Straight into the music this four-piece play ‘Breaking the Habit’ and Chloe is loving every minute and the crowd love her. Throughout the set she high fives the front row, she gets everyone singing along and her body language, which is full of hand gestures, makes her a sheer delight to watch. It also helps that she is stunningly beautiful and I definitely have hair envy (black and purple glittery hair – wow). She tells the audience this is only their third gig in two years, clearly they are glad to be back and able to share music from their new album “Invicta”.

“Do you ever feel/ Like you don't belong? (Don't belong)/ You're not alone (you're not alone)/ You are not alone”

Next up is ‘Gravity’ also from the new album, one of their singles from last year and regularly played on Primordial Radio. The lyrics are immense and it the reason why I am here - the band’s talent for writing songs that pack an emotional punch. It has over 122,000 views on YouTube, so if you have not heard it definitely give it a listen. This is followed by ‘Break’, ‘Closer’ and ‘Stronger’. The latter also from the new album and although not released as a single it has a fantastically Egyptian-themed video.

At this point in proceedings Chloe tells us she has been ill but they didn't want to cancel the tour. Dan is supporting more with the vocals and it is the way their voices complement each other so well that is so noteworthy of this band and tonight they do a sterling job despite the recent sickness.

Next up is ‘To the Flames’ before they move straight into latest single ‘Black Cloud’. Chloe says the song only came out last month but I feel like it been played on Primordial Radio for longer than that. It’s a brilliant track and the fact the video already has 198,000 views on YouTube is testimony to that.

“I feel so cold/ You're no good for me/ I'm becoming sick/ It's taking over me”

Again the lyrics are what draw you in, it’s atmospheric and makes me realise what a privilege it is to see them in such a small venue as I am sure they are destined to go onto much bigger things in the not too distant future. They then play their previous single ‘Underwater’, followed by ‘Stand Alone’, ‘Affliction’ and ‘Warrior’. The latter is anthemic and you can clearly see the crowd are riled up with the positive affirmation that the song conveys.

A brief pause in proceedings and it looks like the show is coming to an end. It feels too soon and I hope they are sticking around to play my favourite song ‘Human’. They dutifully come back on stage and promise us one more, before telling us all they will be around after the show to meet us at the merch stand. With so many bands steering clear of this due to Covid this is a really lovely gesture and my love of Skarlett Riot increases all the more.

Chloe steps off the stage to enter the crowd as she sings ‘Human’ and goes around high fiving as many people as she can. Sadly I don’t have time to stick around to meet the band as it’s a school night but I’m already looking forward to seeing them again at Primordial Radio’s General Mayhem in April 2022. Get your tickets here.

And I’ll leave you with these lyrics because this is a stunningly beautiful song and you need to give it a listen…

“This is who I am, I'm sentient like you/ I am only human too (I am only human)/ I'm not made of stone, I live and breathe like you/ I am only human, I am only human (I am only human)”

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