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Live Review : VOLA + Voyager + Four Stroke Baron @ Rebellion, Manchester on September 28th 2022

We queue up and make our way into the venue just as openers Four Stroke Baron finish setting up. I hadn’t heard this three-piece from Reno before, but had been told they were a good fit for the heavyweights on the line-up they share the bill with tonight. The immediate impact is intrigue, with funky rock bass, technical yet driving drums and almost math-rock guitar churning away. Kirk Witt starts up his heavily effected vocals, and it’s clear to see something isn’t right. At first the crowd aren’t sure if it’s meant to be like this, a technical issue or what…and then it becomes apparent that Kirk is suffering with a knackered voice. He jokes about getting someone up on stage to sing instead, or do the set instrumentally…and the latter is actually what eventually happens. As it is, the instrumental versions of their tracks are still immensely enjoyable, with plenty of impressive soundscape building and It’s obvious where the harmony/melody points are to which the vocals sit and add the icing on the cake. It’s a shame though because listening to them on record since the gig I can see how a fully operation set of vocals would have sounded (understandably heavily influenced by Devin Townsend who also mixed their last album) and the role they layer into the bands vision. Definitely ones to catch again in full force soon hopefully.

Voyager should’ve been Australia’s Eurovision 2022 entry. That’s not me being funny. They entered and came second, the people’s choice but the judges didn’t fancy sending a metal band to Turin. It will forever be Eurovision’s loss, as the band possess everything a good act for that competition should have – catchy songs, enthusiasm, stage presence, musicianship and a bucketload of fun. Put this cocktail together with a ridiculously tight and technically superb tech-metal band and you have something special. The Perth metallers’ music is truly unique, probably best described as progressive pop-metal, with disco-pop-metal-catchiness. Voyager gigs are fun because they obviously really enjoy performing and clearly show it. Jokes thrown around on stage and off stage to the crowd, bouncing band members with beaming grins and tongue-in-cheek dance moves. That’s not to say that they aren’t musically superb and professional as well though. Scott Kay and Simone Dow deliver delightfully catchy yet sophisticated technical guitars, and drummer Ashley Doodkorte complements their precise style with power and technicality as well. Bassist Alex Canion supplies not only a lively drive to the songs, but also some fantastic additional vocals. The band’s personality and ethos is summed up best by frontman Danny Estrin – his voice, hair and keytar solos are all instantly recognisable and wonderful. His vocals in particular manage to balance rich rock tones with characterful staccato delivery, adding another layer of catchiness to their songs. Brilliant and leave me humming their tunes the next day (always a good sign). 

It’s been a long time since I saw VOLA live, and I’ll admit I forgot just how outstanding the Danish four-piece are. They are sumptuous and professional in every detail of their sound and performance. There’s something for everyone with their dynamic mix of gentle, atmospheric segments juxtaposed with churning, chaotic tech-metal onslaughts. Every aspect is as melodic and enthralling as the next, and light and shade they play out through their set is phenomenal. VOLA’s musicianship is stunning from every member of the band – syncopated intricate drums, gnarling overdriven bass thundering, precise processed angular guitar, and perfectly placed live sequencing and keyboards. Lest us not forget Asger Mygind’s vocals which are so distinctive, velvety and effortlessly graceful that it’s impossible not to be both impressed and captivated by them. They play a good length set with a variety of songs from their catalogue, and it’s a real treat to finally hear tracks off their last album “Witness” performed live. The venue is packed and loving every second of every beat and soaring vocal, and the band seem genuinely delighted at the reception and emotion they’ve got back from the crowd tonight. Stunning, just stunning.

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