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Bloodstock Ultimate Top 10 Performances : Gojira in 2010

I could choose any of Gojria’s four appearances at Bloodstock. As headliners, last year they were majestic. In 2013 and 2016 as fourth and second from top respectively, they were astonishing. But for me, it is all about their inaugural appearance squeezed between GWAR and Bloodbath, as this was the first time I snapped eyes on them. They were utterly incredible. This was technically proficient Death Metal but it was as minimal as it was powerful. Gojira had realised that it was not actually about the riff, it about was the space around the riffs. By stripping everything back and giving their sound space to breath, they had managed to create a muscular and crushing metal that sounded like nothing else. I’ve seen them plenty of times since but there is nothing like your first time.

By Stewart Lucas