Do you read our reviews and think “I could do that”?
Do you peruse our interviews and exclaim “I could do that!”.

Well, my friends now is your chance. ROCKFLESH is the North West’s premiere Live Rock and Metal site and we are after new blood. We specialise in capturing the excitement of live shows across the region and we are after people to describe the shows and chat with the bands beforehand. So if you feel you have got what it takes to bring to life how it feels to be in the middle of heaving crowd in front of a pulsating band then we want to hear from you. Previous experience is not obligatory, all we ask for is passion, commitment and reliability. A passion about Rock and Metal and a passion about the North West scene.

Please fill in the form below to express an interest in becoming part of ROCKFLESH. Potential reviewers please include 100 words on the last band you saw.

Please note that this is a voluntary position but you get yer gigs for free!