Posts tagged Tailgunner
Live Review : Bloodstock Festival on August 8th 2024

In years to come, 2024 will be known as the year Bloodstock came of age. It's previously spacious set up for the first time ever feels consistently busy. The step up to a stable and constant 20,000 capacity feels very obvious in the sheer amount of people around the place at any given point, but it is still dealt with with Bloodstock’s usual level of finesse and honesty. This was the year that Bloodstock no longer felt like a small concern.

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Bloodstock Festival Countdown : 30 Bands Not To Miss - Tailgunner

Here at ROCKFLESH towers we've been in a bit of a tizz about Tailgunner for a good while. They seem to have done the impossible and unified our distinctly arbitrary writers. Whether it be our glam loving maidens, our NWOBHM sages who remember it first time around, our death metal deviants or are holier than thou hard-core kids, every single person who puts words together for a publication has a massive crush on Tailgunner.

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Live Review : Call Of The Wild Festival on May 28th 2023

Sunday is another bright and sunny morning, but as I already have a nose that’s bright red enough to see from space, the first thing I do today is make sure I’m wearing A Hat. And sunscreen. That was a crap song but a great message! Anyhow, over in the arena……..

The day starts with LaVire who are good, loud and powerful thrashy rock with a female vocalist. I find them quite similar to Ukrainian outfit Jinjer so if that's your thing check them out, I think you'll be impressed. 

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