Posts tagged Theia
Live Review : SpringFest UK on April 22nd 2023

It’s a good sign that with over ninety minutes to go before the first band are due are on stage at the inaugural SpringFest, that there is already a sizeable crowd gathered in and around the Waterloo.  Whether it’s the sun which has unexpectedly decided to grace us with its presence (and justify the seasonal name of the event) or just the prospect of the ten hours of rock n roll ahead, there is already a positivity, camaraderie and family vibe that will come to characterise this new festival by the time the day is done. 

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Live Review : Rockwich @ Witton Albion FC, Northwich on August 24-25th 2019

Rockwich Saturday is a bit of a strange beast. Technically Rockwich was (is?) a one-day festival, The first one was part of a town-wide initiative and was intended to be very much a one-off event. But organisers Promethius Promotions had other ideas and having secured themselves a venue they set about organising a few years of what have turned into killer line-ups. This meant that, as word got ...

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