Download 2019 Countdown : 01. Tool, Main Stage on Sunday, 21:25 - 22:55

And we reach the end of the list! ROCKFLESH's final pick of those bands to seek out this weekend. And let's end with the big one and the reason that I suspect half of us will be at Donington park, Tool. It's been twelve long years since they last appeared on UK soil. I've moved house three times and had four different jobs since then but here we are, about to witness the majestic return of a band that can only be described as the Heavy Metal Radiohead. Tool break rules like no other. Maynard rejects frontman conventions and lurks at the back, underlit and shrouded in smoke. Musically, well musically something this complex and challenging just shouldn't be so darn popular. Tool shift gear and tempo continually, meaning each and every track is a dizzy journey of altering time signatures and revolving musical structures. They create intelligent, intricately constructed music that consists of billions of precisely placed layers. This is a light year away from fist pumping brainless Metal but Metal this still is. It is exquisitely engineered and mesmerising in its complexion but it still is heavy as deck metal. There is simply no one like them, no one else who creates the same spiralling corridors of immersive sound. I have saved the best to last as this will be special, this is the return of Tool. Have a great weekend!

By Stewart Lucas