Download 2019 Countdown : 05. Trivium, Main Stage on Saturday, 17:00 - 18:00

Trivium are a band in transition. 2019 marks their twentieth year as a unit but it feels that they are only now finally transcending from upcoming young bucks and the next big thing, to being viewed as an established mainstay of the Metal hierarchy. The stadium filling festival headlining status that was long predicted for them has failed to materialise and most probably now will never happen. However instead Trivium have morphed into a highly dependable and pretty decent mid-table proposition that are comfortable in their own skin. With the weight of expectation around great things no longer there, this has meant Trivium can actually kick back and do what they do exceptionally well, which is making Extreme Metal that is highly accessible. In fact they seem to be growing into the elder statesman role as last year's phenomenal package tour with Code Orange, Power Trip and Venom Prison showed. This quite frankly stunning line up of new bloods was curated specifically by the band, saw them wanting to champion the diversity they see in extremity. 

Above all, Trivium finally seem to be accepted and respected. Whilst previous bill placing have resulted in sneers and derision from some quarters, this year they have been conspicuous by their absent and there is a general unsaid belief that they have earned this third from top billing. So get ready to air guitar, get ready to scream along and get ready to bang your heads as Trivium show that no longer having anything to prove, brings out the best in them.

By Stewart Lucas