Posts tagged In Depths
Live Review : Dropout Kings + Borders + In Depths @ Satan’s Hollow, Manchester on July 26th 2022

There’s nothing like walking through the streets of Manchester on a sunny day...on your way to Satan’s Hollow for a gig! Just as i’m strolling to the venue I spot ROCKFLESH’s very own Dark Lord himself (Johann), complete with a an injured hand. Ensuing jokes about me possibly having to take the photos of tonight’s gig, as well as writing the review, serve only to make me chuckl and smile more. Spolier – Johann did take the photos and did and amazing job working through the obvious pain in hand, ever the professional and champ. As we make our way up to stairs into the venue we can hear that openers In Depths have already started and in full flow.

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Live Review : Pupil Slicer + In Depths + Lure In @ the Live Rooms, Chester on February 20th 2022

Let it be known that the warriors of Rockflesh Towers will not be put off by a bit of wind! I am of course referring to the storms battering the nation at time of writing rather than anything more constitutional. Fortunately, the bands and a hardy few punters are also willing to brave the stormy weather for a bit of Sunday night experimental metal. I say experimental because much of what is on display tonight may be called challenging by some…and joyously unique by others. And, yep you guessed it, I’m in the latter camp.

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