Posts tagged Jørgen Munkeby
Live Review : Shining Blackjazz Streaming Show on June 6th 2020

Live streams are evolving. Bands are realising that there is an opportunity to make “event” shows. Shows that stretch the boundaries of what performance actually is. Tonight “gig” is about as far you can possibly get from the usual fare of rock star strumming acoustic versions of their hits in their designer kitchen. It is a taut, claustrophobic and hypnotic experience that discombobulates as much as it entertains. Shining have always trod the left-hand path and have made a career out of being challenging and often contrary. “BlackJazz”, the record being celebrated here tonight, is the last word in free form jazz reimagined as Black Metal. It is a monumental piece of work.

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Live Review : Shining + Alithia + Countless Skies + Saurr @ Satan's Hollow, Manchester on November 4th 2018

It’s been that long since I jumped in the Johann’s Crimson, German death wagon that I have changed career paths, got past a serious medical scare (not mine) and watched Johann jet-set about Europe.  Going to a unvisited venue is always exciting.  Aside form the new things too write about each venue has its own character.  Satan’s Hollow is off the beaten track a little, situated in the back roads between Oxford road and Piccadilly it sits askew to its corporate surroundings.  A large, dark, heavy gate greets the visitor, a portent of things inside?  We traverse the usual entry problems, god help us if Johann forgets his phone.  Once inside we can see an unusual layout.  It’s a small venue, 500 people would see this uncomfortable. The stage is a small penned garden of metal right in the centre of the oddly shaped room. Shining have wrapped a large banner around one side of the pen creating a temporary backdrop to the normally circular stage.  The room is intimate but has space for two separate bars.  

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