Posts tagged 2025
An Interview with Countless Skies

Countless Skies are proving remarkably resilient on this Valentine's Day. They are two members down but they have still hauled themselves up north to play the blisteringly cold Star and Garter. We caught up with Ross, Nathan and super sub Will to talk backing tracks, mythical new album and what makes a scene a scene.

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An Interview with Pain

Peter Tägtgren, myth, legend and general renaissance man of modern metal. If you love an album of Scandinavia metal it is most likely that he will have produced it. He is back on our shores with his electro metal band Pain and we were lucky enough to get ten minutes in his esteemed company. So watch along and find out whether there are indeed different Peter's for Pain and Hypocrisy, how he ended up producing some of the most important albums of the last couple of decades and how he manages to balance all these competing priorities.

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An Interview with The Halo Effect

In our first interview of 2025 we are lucky enough to chat to Mikael Stanne, vocalist with The Halo effect. We chatted about the pedigree behind this most super of supergroups, the ease of picking a set list when you only have two albums to choose from and how the hell he balances life with also being the front person of Dark Tranquillity and Cemetery Skyline.

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