Posts tagged Stewart Lucas
An Interview with Black Smoke Trigger

Black Smoke Trigger hail from New Zealand and are determined to keep the spirit of rock alive. They arrive on our shores with an exciting new album in the can to be released on July 19th and a blistering live show to tantalise our taste buds. Our Stewart caught up with Charlie Wallace (guitar) from the band to discuss travelling, touring with Bruce dickinson and what their fantasy festival would look like.

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An Interview with Blind Guardian

The legendary bards of Blind Guardian returned to mancunia for the first time in eight years. We were lucky enough to get the opportunity to sit down with rythm guitarist Marcus Siepen to discuss a whole host of stuff. So if you are interested in how Blind Guardian cultivate their songs, how setlists are created and the difference in their fan bases across the globe, make yourself a cuppa and press play.

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An Interview with Maybeshewill at Damnation Festival 2023

Maybeshewill are a gift to those who like their post-rock with flourishes of unashamed optimism. Playing their first Damnation Festival since they returned from an elongated hiatus we got to have in-depth chat with them about living with the moniker of Gav's favourite band, what lead to their reformation, holding down a day job whilst being in a band and most importantly how they remain so darn happy all the time.

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An Interview with Headpress at Bloodstock 2023

You have to feel for Headpress, they won the Stoke metal to the masses in 2022 and then had to pass on their slot due to life being a complete arse and getting in the way. But there is a happy ending and they are back this year. We had the pleasure to shoot the breeze with them and talk hardcore, stoke, and all bits in-between.

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An Interview with Tribulation at Bloodstock 2023

It is Sunday at Bloodstock and everyone is tired but we manage to catch Oscar Leander (Drums) and Joseph Tholl (Lead guitar) of Tribulation. We discuss the evolution of their sound, will their next album may be titled "Champagne and pizza" and can you actually make a cocktail with wine.

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An Interview with Urne at Bloodstock 2023

In the shape of “A Feast on Sorrow” Urne have created their masterpiece. We speak to Joe Nally fresh off the stage from their lunchtime slot. We chewed the cud with him about getting Joe Duplantier to produce the album, the differences between Urne and Hang the Bastard, and the levelling agent of having a day job.

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An Interview with Tortured Demon at Bloodstock 2023

We love Tortured Demon here at ROCKFLESH Towers. We are very proud (and just a little cocky) about spotting them so early on and we were overjoyed to get to speak to them about their Sophie Lancaster slot, leaving college to follow rock n' roll dreams and the Manchester scene (and how everyone loves Paul Nash).

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An Interview with Arms To Oblivion at Bloodstock 2023

It’s not all about the headliners. We, at ROCKFLESH wanted to hear what it was like to make it through the gruelling Metal to the Masses and into one of those coveted New Blood slots. Arms to Oblivion were more than happy to chat and share their journey and trials and tribulations and to discuss what happens next…

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An Interview with Frozen Soul at Bloodstock

ROCKFLESH at Bloodstock. You have heard that right! Stewart Lucas and his flailing arms are back in action for a marriage made in Hades. First up, we speak to Matt Dennard of Texan death metal upstarts Frozen Soul about the beauty of death metal, punk royalty Discharge and their very own cocktail. Enjoy!

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An Interview with Heljarmadr of Dark Funeral

There is black metal royalty and there is Dark Funeral. Our black metal obsessive Stewart Lucas has pulled rank on usual interviewer supreme Matt Fraser and made it clear he only can interview Heljarmadr (Andreas Vingbäck) in the Manchester Academy kitchen. So set sail for tales of hot gigs, fluctuating setlists and how death and black metal are perfect bedfellows, no matter what us journos think.

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