Posts tagged Defences
Live Review : Dragged Under + Defences + Immerse @ Star and Garter, Manchester on June 16th 2022

It is hotter than the sun in the Star and Garter tonight. I love this venue for so many reasons, but upstairs always becomes a sweat box in any kind of heat and tonight is no exception. There are fans blowing hot air around the room. Superb.

Absolutely worth getting in and down to the front nice and early for tonight’s opener Immerse. Metalcore from Bristol and brimming with energy, Immerse burst onto the stage and are an instantly likable force, despite some early technical difficulties involving their bass.

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Live Review : The Raven Age + Defences + Choose Your Destroyer @ Rebellion, Manchester on March 21st 2019

You wonder if the mid-week gigging scene is starting to feel the effects of over-saturation when you turn up to a gig and there are less than 10 people waiting for the late doors to open. I guess the truth is that you need to count the bodies in the room by the time the headliners take to the stage (and in this case there were more, but not that many more).

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