Posts tagged Sarah Cummings
Live Review : In Search of Sun + Weller + MARANG. + Cages For Preachers @ Star and Garter, Manchester on May 6th 2024

It's a glorious Bank Holiday Monday, with only the minor threat of major thunderstorms. With that in mind, it’s surely better to be  safe indoors with 4 boisterous booming bands? What better place to be than Manchester's favourite gem of a venue, The Star and Garter.

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Live Review : Skindred + P.O.D. + As Everything Unfolds @ Academy, Manchester on March 14th 2024

On the eve of their biggest headline show in a packed out Wembley Arena, the award winning, Tik Tok trending  powerhouse of UK metal that are Skindred are warming up at a sold out Manchester Academy. As always, Skindred promise to bring their usual high energy party vibes to the masses, and as always, the clientele is a fantastical mix of full-on-metallers, wide-eyed ravers and those of us who happily swing both ways.

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Live Review : Devils Henchmen + Ogun + Reclaim + Junta @ EBGBS, Liverpool on October 6th 2023

EBGBs is tonight packed wall to wall with enthusiastic metal fans here to eagerly celebrate the release of “The Deaf Choir” by tonight’s headliners Devils Henchmen. I believe it may be a sold out affair, and rightly so. The night promised to showcase some  of the best and brightest rising stars of the Merseyside Metal scene and it did not disappoint. 

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Live Review : Electric Callboy + Annisokay @ Academy, Manchester on November 23rd 2022

“It went off to death”

This is the quote that will forever define this night. Let’s rewind a bit first though.

Electric Callboy had initially been due to hit the UK in September and it feels like I have been waiting to see them for about 30 billion years. Or maybe it’s two. I don’t know, I’ve been known to exaggerate. Unfortunately for September Sarah, the band were forced to postpone their UK/European and USA dates due to health concerns for vocalist Nico. AND then on the day I should have seen them, I split with my then man friend. It was just a sucky time to be September Sarah.

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Live Review: Pertubator + Health @ academy 2, Manchester on November 16th 2022

A few weeks ago I was looking forward to a tasty double bill of music. A Friday night at Carpenter Brut and a Saturday at Damnation.

And then child care issues struck and I spent both nights at home instead.

So being invited to cover the spectacular Perturbator softened that blow a little. That and I have been gallivanting around Norway for the last week. I am still tired from the trip and a little bleary eyed as I am refused entry with Johann and made to join the back of the queue. “Take notes” I mouth to our Satanic Overlord as I am banished from the realm.

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Live Review : Corey Taylor + Cherry Bombs @ BEC Arena, Manchester on October 21st 2022

When beloved Slipknot/Stone Sour front man Corey Taylor announced he would be appearing at this weekends For The Love of Horror convention in Manchester, my friend and I immediately started hatching a plan. And just as quickly we abandoned said plan after seeing the price of the guest tickets for the con. We’re single mums, it’s nearly Christmas.

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Live Review : Hypocrisy + Septicflesh + The Agonist + Horizon Ignited @ Academy 2, Manchester on October 7th 2022

AKA – A Pain Girl goes to a Hypocrisy gig

How was your summer? Mine? Oh nothing special, caught covid and missed Metaldays in its entirety. My 13 year old came to Bloodstock and made me leave the tent before Machine Head started. Neither of them were particularly good experiences, although I did meet a lovely gorgeous doctor though. After a few months of dating I was pretty taken with him, but sadly he drove me home one day and had the Libertines and Fratellis on his Spotify. Yuck. It was never going to work.

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Live review : The Prodigy + Jaguar Skills @ Mounford Hall, Liverpool on July 14th 2022

The last time I saw The Prodigy was also in Liverpool. I’d spent a lonely afternoon day drinking after nobody turned up at the agreed time, rocked up at the arena after a few shots in Bar Ca Va, and had a fight with a guy because his trainers were worth £400 and what was I doing dancing near him… mate I am living my best life, good grief.

It was also the last time I saw Keith Flint.

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Live Review : Dragged Under + Defences + Immerse @ Star and Garter, Manchester on June 16th 2022

It is hotter than the sun in the Star and Garter tonight. I love this venue for so many reasons, but upstairs always becomes a sweat box in any kind of heat and tonight is no exception. There are fans blowing hot air around the room. Superb.

Absolutely worth getting in and down to the front nice and early for tonight’s opener Immerse. Metalcore from Bristol and brimming with energy, Immerse burst onto the stage and are an instantly likable force, despite some early technical difficulties involving their bass.

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Live Review : Gary Numan + Divine Shade @ O2 Academy, Liverpool on May 3rd 2022

Every now and then I get a ROCKFLESH assignment that turns out to be on a level so beyond exciting that my cold dead shattered heart suddenly bursts into a joyful rhythm of what I imagine sounds like Industrial drums. I reckon my heart beats sound like Nine Inch Nails. And tonight my heart is beating for the Gothfather of Electro himself…. Gary Numan.

A few years ago me and our Gregg were sat having a pre Thy Art Is Murder pint in Grand Central in Manchester. It was our first time working together and we started chatting about who we were into. We both settled on one name.

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Live Review : Dub War + Bad Earth + Fly-52 @ The Live Rooms, Chester on April 28th 2022

“You’re not on the list. There is no list. Oh you might be on the list. Wait here” is never a good start to the night, but a bit of negotiating and flashing of screen shots later, we’re in on this pleasant spring evening.

First up tonight is Melodic Alt Punk Welsh rockers Fly- 52. A reasonably new project riding the waves of the recent pop punk revival, Fly-52 play like a band who have been at it for years, as opposed to forming in 2021. Whilst crediting the likes of Blink 182, New Found Glory, and Sum41 as their influences, it’s an entirely different band I pick out whilst listening.

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Live Review : Igorrr + Otto Von Schirach @ Club Academy, Manchester on April 15th 2022

Good Friday? More like unexpectedly muggy Friday, as my CC cream has slid off my face somewhere between Runcorn East and Grand Central. I want to be Queen of the Night but I am afraid I am more Rosy Cheeked Dickhead right now. I can't even blame my usual rushing from work, as I've not even been there today. I literally had all fucking day to get ready and still I messed up and forgot my glowsticks.

Glowsticks which I suspect I could have made good use of tonight.

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Live Review : Funeral For A Friend + Holding Absence + Static Dress @ The Academy, Manchester on March 2nd 2022

Given the age I am, I found rock and metal during the nu-metal era of the late 90s/early 00s. I was a regular little mosh monkey in baggy JNCOs and my band tees. My KoRn tshirt was literally my pride and joy, despite it clearly being a bootleg that my parents got me from a market stall. Aside from my friend Becky, I didn't know many other metal fans and I was forever grateful to her for being a constant support in a world that could actually feel pretty lonely and isolated.

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Live Review : Skynd @ The Deaf Institute, Manchester on February 19th 2022

Also featuring a brief history on murder, death, and serial killers– those with a nervous disposition are advised not to read on…

“Come to a gig with freshly pierced nipples” they said. “You'll be fine” they said. I think they were telling porkies. I go to the gig anyway. I am a well-known local idiot after all, and I've battled through train cancellations and stormy weather to join the crowd for a performance by the ever eerie and utterly captivating Skynd.

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Liver Review : PENGSHUi + Dead Retinas @ The Star And Garter, Manchester on February 3rd 2022

It’s a chilly Thursday evening as my train pulls into Piccadilly. I’ve recently shaved part of my head and remembered… “Wow, having no hair is cold”.

We’re early into the year, but already one of the albums which is on repeat for me is the blistering “Destroy Yourself” by tonight’s headliners PENGSHUi. I’ve seemingly been waiting forever to see these guys again since their amazing set at Download festival in 2019. My own life has gone spectacularly wrong in recent weeks… covid… a massive dose of heart break, cheating, betrayal… getting caught up in the recent John Badger scandal… oh and the eyebrow lady didn’t wax me the way I like. It’s been fucking disastrous, so I’ve needed tonight like it was some kind of medicine, a hefty dose of therapy. Nothing heals you better than the music you love, right?

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Live Review : Wargasm + Death Blooms + Bambie Thug @ Rebellion, Manchester on November 30th 2021

Wargasm – up and coming genius, or annoying AF? Let’s explore…

But not before we visit the weird and wonderful world of tonight’s opener, Bambie Thug. I find her nestled on a Spotify Misfits Playlist between some of my other favourites like Cassyette, Nova Twins and Ghostemane.

All the way through her set I’m hearing the influences of pop, trap, electro, but it’s on a much darker and unusual scale, and I can’t actually stop watching her. She commands the crowd with ease, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen this many people into an opener before. I may be wrong though, I am getting old and losing my memory a bit. By tonights crowds average age, I am practically their Nana.

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Live Review : 3TEETH + PIG @ Rebellion in Manchester on February 3rd 2020

I love nu metal, and death metal, and metalcore, and grunge, and Tori Amos, and drum and bass.

But what I really really love is Industrial.

And with a queue snaked around the corner of Rebellion on a Monday night at 7.30pm, you just know all the finest and freakiest Manchester has to offer are here for one of THE most exciting industrial bands in the world. There is also one bloke from Kent I discover as I stomp down to the venue. He went drinking with the headliners once. My fangirl heart withers a little in its jealous cage, but I remain cool and composed with this info. I'm fine.

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Live Review : A Pale Horse Named Death + OHHMS + Petrichor + MAIRU @ Phase One, Liverpool on November 4th 2019

A month on from my nu-metal euphoria I have returned in all my chubby glory to review A Pale Horse Named Death. Again. I for one could not be happier.

My ability to attend gigs has decreased rapidly in recent months so I am absolutely determined to savour every moment of tonights doom-laden sorrowfest.

I rock up to the club like “What up, I've got social anxiety and I want to go home”... nah, but I am late from work and I was making my journey on public transport. So inevitably I miss a bit of MAIRU.

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Live Review : Static-X + SOiL + Wednesday 13 + Dope @ O2 Ritz, Manchester on October 3rd 2019

It is the eternal rule. When you cannot be bothered with a night out, you go on to have the best night ever.

Now don't get me wrong, I've been positively horny with joy for a long time over this line up. I often jest I am a child of the nu-metal generation, but honestly, I'd wear my bondage pants to work if I thought I could get away with it (and if they fit me........... never mind). The happiest memories of my entire life revolve around gigs and albums and songs and bands and sneaking into the Krazyhouse when I was dramatically underage.

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Live Review : Lagerstein + Footprints In The Custard + Impavidus + Thrashatouille @ Rebellion, Manchester on September 20th 2019

Do you like your music laced with silliness? Do you enjoy inflatables? Pirate hats? Mankinis?

Then my dear ROCKFLESH friends, I have found the line up for you.

I have returned from my involuntary hiatus (there was infidelity, unexpectedly relationship status changes,  money problems, bereavement... more bereavement... and some drum and bass) to delve headfirst into the sublimely weird and wonderful side of metal.

Metal is usually an array of the most colourful characters clad in black and tonight the battle jackets are complemented with pirate attire, UV paint litters the audience in Rebellion. It's Friday, it’s probably pay day for some of us, and spirits are high.

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