Posts tagged Evile
Live Review : Evile + Shrapnel at Rebellion in Manchester on October 9th 2021

Bands talk of shows being special and unique, and then precede to play the same set in about a dozen other cities. However, tonight is the real McCoy. This is a one off, never to be repeated gig packed to the brim with emotional resonance. Originally scheduled for 2019, this was initially conceived as a celebration of the life and works of Mike Alexander, Evile's late lamented bassist who tragically left us in 2009. However, it has taken on additional significance, as last year Matt Drake made the decision to step away from the band and music all together. The band (now fronted by his brother Ol) have already forged on without him, but Matt was never going to miss this performance and tonight’s tribute to Mike now also serves as his last hurrah with the band he led for so long.

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