Posts tagged Stewart Lucas
Live Review : Mr. Bungle + Spotlights @ O2 Ritz, Manchester on June 13th 2024

For anybody who grew up in metal in the late 80s/early 90s, Mr. Bungle were a disruptive enigma. They were spoken about with reverential hush tones as being a fiercely non-commercial bloodletting exercise so that Mike Patton could express his disdain at the unfeasible success story of his main band Faith No More. The bigger his day job became, the more he retreated into the anarchistic unpredictability of Mr. Bungle. For those of us being seduced by metals more avant-garde fringes, Mr. Bungle was an overtly enticing forbidden fruit. 

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Live Review : Jane's Addiction + Humanist @ O2 Apollo, Manchester on June 2nd 2024

Whilst they may well be considered a "name" act, the influence and the impact of Jane's Addiction is incredibly underrated. We tend to look at grunge and bands such asSoundgarden, Smashing Pumpkins and the erstwhile Nirvana as being the architects of alt-metal and our genre’s early '90s U turn away from sword, sorcery, highlighted perms and blatant sexism. However, Jane's Addiction’s astonishing opening salvo of “Nothing’s Shocking” and “Ritual de lo Habitual” were released before either “Nevermind” or “10” had even been recorded and provided the foundations for the seismic and still resonating changes in metal’s DNA. You then add in the fact the first Lollapalooza package (the blueprint for the modern alternative music festival) was created in 1991 purely as a vehicle for Jane's Addiction's farewell tour, and you have a band that has single-handedly and with very little recognition shaped the current world we live in.

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Live Review : Tool + Night Verses @ AO Arena, Manchester on June 1st 2024

How the hell has a band as complex and as unconformist as Tool become a mainstream affair? Usually, when an act reaches a point where it is selling out arenas and headlining festivals, it has had to forego a chunk of its authenticity and individuality to do so. This is not the case with Tool. There has been no candlestein deals with the devil using the currency of souls. This evening in Manchester they exhibit the same level of authenticity that they had when they formed 34 years ago. They have not changed or budged in their eccentric uniqueness, yet fame, fortune and adulation have sought them out without them having to move an inch.

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Live Review : Bruce Dickinson + Black Smoke Trigger @ Academy, Manchester on May 19th 2024

These days Bruce Dickinson is irrevocably tied to Iron Maiden. His air-raid siren shrills and cries of "Scream for me (enter name of town)” are as synonymous to the band as is their gargantuan mascot Eddie. However, for the vast majority of the 90’s he was AWOL, jumping ship in 1993 citing a combination of burnout, musical differences, and inter-band tensions. As the ubiquitous hyperactive kid at the back of the class who always has 16 different projects on the go, Bruce was never one to let the grass grow under his feet. During his six-year sabbatical from, arguably, heavy metal's biggest band he managed to produce four rather spiffing solo efforts (his debut effort, Tattooed Millionaire had appeared pre-split in 1990 and very likely hastened his exit.  

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Live Review : Sirenia + Temperance + Symphonity @ Club Academy, Manchester on May 11th 2024

Symphonic metal is a rather incestuous affair. Nightwish’s Floor Jansen and Epica’s Mark Jansen both come from the ranks of genre pioneers After ForeverDelain Svengali Martijin Westerholt formed that band after he left Within Temptation and Beast in Black came into being when Anton Kabanen was ousted from Battle BeastSirenia, the headliner of tonight’s symphonic metal nights package tour came into being when Morten Veland walked away from the similarly musically orientated Tristania. Basically it's like a game of musical chairs, but with more swirling keyboard flourishes.

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Live Review : Tenacious D @ AO Arena, Manchester on May 8th 2024

For the genre with a reputation for being poe-faced and humourless, there is an awful lot of comedy metal about. Steel Panther cater for those who still find tits and blatant sexism funny. Evil Scarecrow have made a career of combining metal with Mighty Boosh level surrealism and Raised by Owls manage to be simultaneously hilarious and impenetrable to anybody who doesn't know their Benediction from their Bolthrower. But like a gargantuan skyscraper looming over the whole scene is the behemoth that is Tenacious D. 

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Live Review : Ingested + Fallujah + Mélancolia @ Rebellion, Manchester on April 20th 2024

The Mondays at the G-Mex, Oasis at Maine Road, Morrissey (before he became a racist twit) at the MEN and The Roses at Heaton Park. To the lexicon of great Mancunian homecomings we can now add Ingested at Rebellion. Despite the ludicrously early start time the place is heaving from the get-go. There is a fevered atmosphere that consists of a potent mixture of expectation and civic pride. Every conversation seems to major on our own individual roles in Ingested’s majestic ascension to the death metal top table. 

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Live Review : Midnight + Cyclone + High Command @ Rebellion, Manchester on April 16th 2024

Some shows loom large in the memory for many moons to come. Midnight’s inaugural visit to this fair city back in June ‘22 is one such instant. Tales of masked men hanging from support beams and unheard-of reserves of ravaged energy have been passed around the metal fraternity ever since. It has achieved such a legendary status (of course we were there, our review can be found here) that their return to Manchester less than two years later has become something of an event. Rebellion is impressively packed out for a Tuesday, with an audience made up of those who were lucky enough to be in the Academy 3 24 months ago and their mates who have been dragged along to enjoy the spectacle.

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Live Review : Blind Guardian + The Night Eternal @ Academy, Manchester on April 13th 2024

The signs of a good time had by all is when the echoes reverberate long into the night. For an hour after Blind Guardian exit the stage, the refrain “Valhalla, Deliverance, Why've you ever forgotten me” can be heard being sung by the dispersing masses as they meander away from the Academy down the Oxford Road corridor. It may not have made much sense to the glammed-up masses heading off to identikit soulless nightclubs, but it was an indication that Mancunia had a rare and thoroughly wondrous visitation from the Teutonic gods of power metal.

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Live Review : Slash featuring Myles Kennedy and The Conspirators @ AO Arena, Manchester on April 2nd 2024

On the passing of LemmySlash inherited the mantle of being the true living embodiment of rock 'n' roll. If you want to dress as a cool rocker you simply adorn yourself with a curly black wig and an oversized top hat and Saul Hudson’s your uncle you are instantly recognisable as a cool rock n’ roll dude. If you want to give your showstopping Oscar number a shot of scuzzy cool, then all you do is pick up the phone to Mr. Slash and instantaneously it has oodles of rock 'n' roll street cred. Our Slash has become a cultural phenomenon. An instantly recognisable persona that transcends the bands he is involved with and the shackles of his back catalogue. The arena is reassuringly full and it is obvious that its temporary inhabitants are here for the myth as opposed to the material.

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Live Review : Lordi + All For Metal + Crimson Veil @ Academy 2, Manchester on April 1st 2024

Metal’s inexplicable love affair with Eurovision seems to be baked into our psyche. In recent years many “big” names from our world (The Rasmus, Blind Channel, Voyager and Lords of the Lost) have taken part and even bigger names (Avantasia and Keep of Kaslin) have unsuccessfully tried to be selected for their respective home nations. This is alongside the fact that every Baltic state entry seems to sound like Evanescence and Italian alt-rockers Maneskin triumphed in 2021 with a ditty that sounded all the world like a shunt job between Rage Against The Machine and Jane's addiction.

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Live Review : Sunn O))) + Jesse Sykes @ New Century Hall, Manchester on March 28th 2024

As metal fans we tend to view our world as an impenetrable fortress sitting alone in an ocean of splendid isolation. Disconnected from other strands of popular culture. The truth is actually very different, we have many openly flowing land borders with other facets of the musical lexicon. Drone metal and the legendary Sunn O))) specifically is one of those bridging areas. 

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Live Review : Carnifex + Revocation + Aborted + Vexed @ Club Academy, Manchester on March 24th 2024

Another day and another four-headed death metal package rolls into town. However, if you open the bonnet and do a bit of careful inspection you will find that this quadruple bill offers some enticingly distinct delicacies. You see VexedAbortedRevocation and Carnifex represent four very very different aspects of Death Metal’s multiple personalities. This is a comprehensive guided tour through the genre's current state of the nation. It also makes pretty good business sense as each band has its own distinct group of diehard supporters, all of whom have gathered here tonight for some bizarre gathering of the clans.

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Live Review : Botch + Great Falls @ New Century Hall, Manchester on March 22nd 2024

It is unlikely that you would know of Botch before their improbable resurrection last year. They only visited this country once in their previous existence and never got north of Nottingham. Neither of their full-length albums, “American Nervoso” and “We Are Romans” particularly sold well. However, every bugger that did get the honour of hearing the latter release went off and formed a band. You see Botch continue that fine lineage of acts you've never heard of that begot hundreds that you very much have.

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Live Review : Mr. Big + Jared James Nichols @ O2 Ritz, Manchester on March 20th 2024

Supergroups are never designed for longevity. They exist either as a water-treading exercise for name artists to fruitfully pass time whilst they wait for their main bands to reform or as an egotistical wish-fulfilment vehicle allowing musicians from different genres to work together without upsetting the apple cart of their day jobs. In celebrating 35 years of existence Mr. Big are the exception that proves the rule. Long ago they evolved beyond being a musical distraction for their constitute members and instead Mr. Big has become the thing that Billy Sheehan, Paul Gilbert and Eric Martin are now most well-known and revered for. Mr. Big have achieved the thing that very very few supergroups ever aspire to, as a whole they equal more than their individual parts.

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Live Review : Cattle Decapitation + Signs Of The Swarm + 200 Stab Wounds + Vomit Forth @ Rebellion,Manchester on March 9th 2024

We are continually told that guitar music is dead. The mainstream piles on the narrative that rock music has had its day, and it is simply a forgotten genre in its death throes. If this is the case somebody has forgotten to inform the hundreds of multigenerational attendees that have packed out Rebellion for the last couple of nights. The simple fact is that death metal is sticking its finger up at all this "guitar music is out of fashion" nonsense and is becoming more vibrant and important by the day.

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Live Review : Frozen Soul + Creeping Death + Foreseen + Disengagement @ Rebellion, Manchester on February 14th 2024

The stateside ground zero for Death metal used to be the tropical climes of Florida, however over the intervening years it has shifted westward and now the epicentre resides in the Lone Star state of Texas. Creeping Death and Frozen Soul are both examples of just how exciting modern American death metal has become. They have respectively evolved this art form by taking it back to its core routes. They have turned their back on the pick-and-mix shunt job that death metal had become and sought solace in their Bolt Thrower and Carcass imports. This is death metal shawn of its pretensions and re-engaged with its brutal ferocity.

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Live Review : Baest + Pist + Beyond Salvation @ Rebellion, Manchester on February 7th 2024

Most musical sub-genres have the lifespan of a Mayfly. They bloom and wither before the ink is even dry on the requisite hyperbole. Death metal has had a counterintuitive evolution. Born 40 years ago it completely bucks the trend by managing to go around in infinite circles of regeneration. Currently, it feels more vital and fuller of life (pun very much intended) than it ever has. Baest are one of those new generation of death metal acts who are deftly managing to remain steadfastly authentic but also bring a dimension of light and shade to the music. Basically death metal long ago stopped being an underground phenomenon and has now become one of the primary movers that are shaping modern metal.

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Live Review : Evil Scarecrow + INTHEWHALE @ Rebellion,Manchester on February 3rd 2024

Within the ranks of our very particular community, Evil Scarecrow have ascended to the lofty position of national treasure. This distinctly odd and ramshackle act has not only carved out a niche in our collective hearts but they have managed to transcend genres and tribal barriers. Tonight's audience is pulled from all over metal’s multicoloured subdivisions. We stand united by one thing, a desire to dance and embrace the silliness in a world that is becoming darker by the day.

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Live Review : Bat Sabbath + Margarita Witch Cult @ Rebellion, Manchester on January 27th 2024

There are cover bands and then there is Bat Sabbath, the crazed Sabbath-obsessed alter egos of Canadian hardcore heroes Cancer Bats. Initially intended as a daft way of blowing off steam, their commemoration of the inventors of metal has morphed into its very own thing. This evening Rebellion is packed to the rafters with a mix of Cancer Bat devotees and those looking to throw themselves around stupidly to the songs that started this whole blooming endeavour. 

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