Posts tagged Stewart Lucas
Live Review : The Wildhearts + Jim Jones All Stars + Dirt Box Disco @ O2 Ritz, Manchester on March 9th 2025

The wheels have come off The Wildhearts juggernaut so often that it is a wonder they are not sponsored by kwickfit. Ginger Wildheart is a self-proclaimed difficult man to work with, who has an undeniable knack of surrounding himself with difficult to work with people. The latest reunion of the classic line lasted 4 years, 1 pandemic and 2 rather spiffing albums, grinding to a halt in 2022 in flurry of mutual acrimony. Whilst lived experience has taught us to never count The Wildhearts out, this KO felt particularly final. So we were all really rather taken a aback when an all new version of the band arose from the ashes last year. Whilst Ginger is the one constant in this iteration of the band, it is a very different version of the Geordie workhouse. This is a happier, healthier Ginger who has shed both physical and emotional weight to look, god forbid, like he is actually enjoying himself.

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Live Review : Rivers Of Nihil + Cynic + Beyond Creation + Dååth @ Club Academy, Manchester on March 8th 2025

Never has a tour title been so fitting and accurate in its description. Aggressive progressive ‘25 brings together four of the scene leaders in pushing the envelope of death metal. Dååth, Beyond Creation, Cynic and nominal headliners Rivers of Nihil, in their own unique ways each retain that brutish aggression that gives Death Metal its potent uncompromising force, but each band splices it with a spellbindingly intricate slice of progressive opulence. Basically, this is victory parade for the innovators that have evolved Death Metal into the complex and undefinable beast that it is today.

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Live Review : Opeth + Grand Magus @ Albert Hall, Manchester on March 1st 2025

There are shows where the venue plays an integral part in the beauty of the endeavour. It becomes an additional member of the band, adding to the ambience and the majestic nature of the performance. Tonight is one just instance. The Albert Hall is the jewel in Manchester's proliferation of venues. An abandoned Wesleyan Chapel, it had stood dormant for 40 years until it was rescued last decade and restored as a multi-purpose auditorium. It is a fantastic space, surrounded by large ornate stained-glass windows and dominated by an imposing organ. It provides the perfect setting for Opeth’s extraordinarily unique take on metal. There are some compromises to be made, Mikael Åkerfeldt recounts a Spinal Tap moment when they realised that the video screens that had been a focal point of the other shows on this tour were too big to fit and had to be left in the van, but all in all the Albert Hall provides an immaculate canvas for Opeth to unfurl their magic.

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Live Review : Kvelertak + Urne @ Academy 3, Manchester on February 23rd 2025

With even the greatest bands in the World, it is quite easy to forget just how good they are. It has been six years since Kvelertak last visited this country (Download 2019), eight years since they last played this city (supporting Metallica at the arena) and nine years since we got anything resembling a headline tour. Tonight is very much a case of "Hello! Remember us?" as they grab us by the lapels and forcefully remind us why they were the band on everybody's lips last decade. This evening also, inexplicably, gives us our first opportunity to witness “new” vocalist Ivor Nikolaisen up front and personal. We say “new” but he has actually been in the band since 2018, but as the stats above illustrate these are his first UK headline shows with the band. Replacing a “name” vocalist is always a Herculean task, but when it is in the colossally charismatic shape of Erlend Hjelvik, you would suspect it would be rather a hiding to nothing. However Ivar Nikolaisen sidesteps the need for comparisons by being a completely different school of frontman with his own energy, charisma and style.

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Live Review : Green Lung + Unto Others + Satan's Satyrs @ O2 Ritz, Manchester on February 21st 2025

Let's put this marker down now. Green Lung will headline Bloodstock, they will headline Download and they will eventually, and potentially eventfully, headline Glastonbury. Now we at ROCKFLESH aren't in possession of a crystal ball but we are steadfast in our certainty of this for three reasons. 1)They are utterly incredible this evening as will be attested further on in this diatribe. 2) Their speed of evolution as a band is frankly astonishing. Midway through tonight's show, Tom Templar recites a roll call of the venues that they have played in this city during their journey to the Ritz headliner status. Green Lung have done their growing up in the glare of the public eye and the band before us now is a completely different beast the one played Star & Garter in 2019 or even the one we witnessed supporting Clutch at the Academy in 2022. 

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Live Review : Tribulation + Livgone @ Rebellion, Manchester on February 18th 2025

In this austere times, we are all looking for value for money in our gigging experience. This would explain the rise in popularity of the package tour as the allure of four bands we have heard of is more of a financial incentive than one. Swedish Goth-metal pioneers Tribulation, have gone for a different approach. For their rather extensive jaunt around Europe and the UK they have bought only one support act with them and in the shape of French/Polish/Swedish hybrids Livgone, it is not particularly a household name. Where they are providing bang for our bucks, is in the length of the set. At a meaty one hour forty minutes hour it towers above the usual hour maximum fair that we are served by bands of our ilk in venues such as Rebellion. It is a luxuriously elongated tour de force, allowing them to effortlessly wander across most of their recorded output (only 2009 debut “the Horror” doesn’t get a look in).

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Live Review : Countless Skies + As The Sun Falls + Opia @ Star and Garter, Manchester on February 14th 2025

Why do we do this? Its Valentine's night and we have left perpetually patient partners back at home to stand in the blistering cold of the upstairs room of a shitty pub (the owner's description, not ours). The reason is that we love this music, eternally, triumphantly and truly. The bands on show this evening love this music, it flows through their veins. The audience that has braved the hostility of a Mancunian winter to get here, love this music. Even the characteristically grumpy owner pumping out classic punk downstairs loves this music. It has enslaved us all and it demands both sacrifice and complete obedience.

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Live Review : Queensrÿche + Night Demon @ Academy 2, Manchester on February 11th 2025

Up until now, those who have been ordained to persevere in preserving Queensrÿche’s legacy have opted to avoid the trappings of retrospection. They have left this to their erstwhile frontman and one-person publicity magnet Geoff Tate, who has mined the nostalgia gravy train for all it is worth. Instead of looking back, the post-Tate incarnation of the band (now fronted by the equally golden larynx Todd La Torre) have chosen to surge forward with a flurry of decent releases, culminating in 2023’s rather spiffing “Digital Noise Alliance”.

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Live Review : Cattle Decapitation + Shadow Of Intent + Revocation + Vulvodynia @ New Century Hall, Manchester on February 1st 2025

Absence may well make the heart grow fonder but so seemingly does constant interaction. Neither Cattle Decapitation nor Shadows of Intent are strangers to this country and even to this fayre city. It is the formers third visit in as many years, whilst the latter last graced us with their presence twenty-four months ago to almost the day. With neither being a scarcity in the touring market, it is impressive they have managed to pull a capacity crowd into a venue that signals an ambitious jump in size for both of them. This is Death Metal graduating out of the underground and into grown-up venues. New Century Hall may feel a world away from the grubby subterranean delights of say Rebellion, but it offers all four acts the opportunity to do their thing on a gargantuan stage, a challenge they all accept with vim and vigour.

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Live Review : The Halo Effect + Pain + Bloodred Hourglass @ Club Academy, Manchester on January 24th 2025

You can tell the quality of something by how it ends. Usually shows grind to a halt in the same anodyne fashion. There are the habitual thank you’s, the obligatory picture for Facebook and then the un-ceremonial shuffle off stage to finish off the rider. Not tonight. Tonight is both extraordinary and quintessentially spontaneous. The Halo Effect’s final track of the evening, ‘Shadowmind’, shudders to a halt and something really quite special unfurls. For a good five minutes the band stay on the stage, faces plastered with gleeful emotion venerating the audience as much as the audience is venerating them. 

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Live Review : Slipknot + Bleed From Within @ Co-op Live Arena, Manchester on December 17th 2024

Every band reaches a tipping point, where their rapid ascendancy slows, and they enter that “selective appeal" phase. It is the law of diminishing returns, the moment where the number of fans losing interest due to age, indifference and evolution of musical tastes outweigh the accumulation of new devotees. It is the point where stadium-sized bands recede to arenas, where those bothering Apollo's shift to Academies and festival headliners become special guests or even worse inhabit the dreaded "Legends" slot, an abomination designed to preserve the egos of artists yet to fully comprehend their decline. What is astonishing about Slipknot is that 25 years in they are still accelerating. They have a momentum that continues to gather both pace and followers to this very day. For some inexplicable reason, this group of mask-wearing grandad's well into their fifties are still able to speak to the freaks, geeks and disenfranchised of the generations below them. 

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Live Review : Evergrey + Klogr + Inner Vitriol @ Rebellion, Manchester on December 16th 2024

The golden rule of music journalism is to remember that no matter who the act is and no matter how lowly the circumstances that you are covering them in, for someone somewhere they are their favourite band ever. Evergrey svengali Tom Englund is the first to admit that tonight’s showing is rather disappointing. “Next time we come you bring your wives, your girlfriends, your boyfriends, your drug dealers, your lawyers, bring anyone” he deadpans during the set. However, despite the attendance being at a level where everybody needs to keep their coats on (including a fellow with a remarkably multicoloured jacket that captures Tom's eyes), the atmosphere is exceptionally buoyant and scintillatingly succulent. This is because for those who have made it out to central Manchester on a cold Monday night, Evergrey are either their favourite band or at the very least making great swipes at holding that accolade.

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Live Review : Alcest + Svalbard + Doodseskader @ Academy 2, Manchester on December 12th 2024

And here we are, yet another intriguing package tour bringing together three bands that exist within this genre but are doing decidedly different and inventive things within its conventions. Alcest, Svalbard and Doodseskader all distinctly exist within our world, but all feel duty-bound to stretch and contort its conservative confines. The former act as headliner for this jaunt, and even though they last dropped anchor in this very room just over 12 months ago, this distinctly unconventional cavalcade draws a mighty impressive crowd for a Wednesday night this close to Christmas.

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Live Review : Fit For An Autopsy + Sylosis + Darkest Hour + Heriot @ O2 Ritz, Manchester on November 26th 2024

On paper the billing for this evening’s show feels distinctly skew-whiff. Fit For An Autopsy are on a quite impressive upward trajectory. They have broken free from the confines and the preconceptions of Deathcore and have cemented themselves a berth in the one-to-watch category. Pairing them as a co-headliner with Sylosis on the face of it feels mismatched because, well Sylosis have been around forever without ever really making their mark. It's hard to imagine a British metal scene without Sylosis plugging away in its lower echelons trying to make a name for themselves. Don't get us wrong, we at ROCKFLESH Towers love Sylosis, it's just that we've never ever envisaged them as being of a Ritz headliner status. Add to all that the fact that the much-fancied media darlings Heriot are sat slap bang at the bottom of the bill and the whole structure feels a little, odd.

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Live Review : Bury Tomorrow + Make Them Suffer + Thornhill + As Everything Unfolds @ Academy, Manchester on November 23rd 2024

If this tour was to be given a subtitle it would be ‘The Ascendancy of Metalcore’. You see it is not just sold out; spare tickets are changing hands for silly money and the Academy is heaving from the get go. Whilst many of us feel inclined to sneer at it and give it a verbal kicking where possible, metalcore is not just alive and well, it is slowly but surely becoming the dominant force in our world. Every band on this ticket are treated like royalty by an up-for-it and positively youthful crowd. Very much feels like both ascendancy and ascension, the moment the next generation take full charge. 

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Live Review : Baroness + Graveyard + Pallbearer @ New Century Hall, Manchester on November 22nd 2024

The Great trilogies. Lord of the Rings, The Hunger Games books, Toy Story, the original Star Wars saga (yes we know, Ewoks, but Return of the Jedi is infinitely better than anything that came after). To that impressive lexicon, you can now add this tour of a holy Trinity of modern metal masters. 

Pallbearer, Graveyard and Baroness are all doing something distinctly different in their individual musicality. They all reside in diverse corners of metal's grand and fertile landscape. What they do share and what makes this tour so appealing and also so cohesive, is a deep-seated seam of emotional intelligence. None of them trade in knuckle-dragging “beers and tits” brainless bravado. Instead, whilst the styles are varied and differential, they all sculpt music to make you think and in many cases music to make you cry. Put simply this is the wearing your heart on your sleeve tour.

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Live Review : Sólstafir + Oranssi Pazuzu + Hamferð @ Club Academy, Manchester on November 1st 2024

Whilst we in this country might have invented heavy metal, its stewardship has long since drifted north to the frozen plains of Scandinavia. Our Nordic cousins are now the dominant force in moving our beloved genre forward. The Nordic descent tour provides a perfect snapshot of the distinctly interesting and intriguing things our Scandinavian counterparts are doing with metal. Its very much a case of the anthemic (Hamerfo), the insular (Solstafir) and the downright outrageous (Oranssi Panzuzu).

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Live Review : Therapy? + Deux Furieuses @ Academy, Manchester on November 14th 2024

Over the years Therapy? have managed to be everything to everybody whilst also simultaneously staying true to themselves. They are the only band to grace the stages at both this country’s premier extreme metal and classic rock festivals (Damnation and Stonedead). By being happy to prostitute themselves wherever anybody would listen they have managed to confound the gatekeepers and cultivate a career that transcends any notion of genre. They are conclusive proof that good songs and a positive attitude trump everything.

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Live Review : Sepultura + Jinjer + Obituary + Jesus Piece @ Academy, Manchester on November 8th 2024

You would have thought that after Slayer and Mötley Crüe both returned to the fray after having retorted that they were going for good, that we would have got wise to the wheeze of the farewell tour. Evidently not, as Sepultura’s final circumnavigation of the world sees them return as headliner to venues they last bothered nearly thirty ago, when it looked like “Roots” was about to catapult them to the higher plains of the metallic pecking order. It is a little uncertain though whether the sold-out signs are in situ because this is a last chance to see situation, or in direct reaction to their undercard. By dragging along the much-fancied Jesus Piece, the perpetually awesome Obituary and the in vogue and in demand Jinjer they have turned this into a super charged package tour that it is very hard to turn down. 

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Live Review : Signs Of The Swarm + Varials + Cabal + To The Grave @ Club Academy, Manchester on October 26th 2024

It's fascinating how the entire inference of a tour can be altered by the simple switching of billing. The Pins and Knuckles’ sponsored Faces of Death tour was originally conceived as a co-headlining affair between Progressive metal core legends Veil of Maya and hotly tipped deathcore mainstays Signs of the Swarm. It was a nicely balanced mixture of genres that appeal to those who like to a bit core in their life. But then sadly Veil of Maya inconveniently went on immediate hiatus, Signs of the Swarm were promoted to singular headlining status, much fancied Danish deathcore proponents Cabal were given a berth and suddenly, Bob's your uncle, this tour leans much more towards a deathcore fan base.

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