Posts tagged Heart Of A Coward
Live Review : Heart Of A Coward + TheCityisOurs + Forager + Cut Short @ Rebellion, Manchester on October 19th 2023

It’s an early start and we’re treated to Liverpool's Cut Short. The first thing that strikes you is the satisfyingly angular, stabby, quality of the guitars. They play with melodies that are layered over a backdrop of excellent almost scattery jazz-infused drums. It makes me think they’re trying to strike a delicate balance between the prog and tech-metal, but still need to hit on the perfect mix. The intricate guitar work fully supports this ambitious attempt, and their musicianship is solid and individual performances truly engaging.

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Live Review : Monuments + Heart Of A Coward + I Built The Sky @ Rebellion, Manchester on March 3rd 2020

I’m delighted that this two-date stop-off in the UK for Monuments is taking in Manchester, especially as they have Heart Of A Coward in tow, with both being in my list of favourite bands of recent times. This is in fact the second to last date of a pretty gruelling tour, including across Europe for the past month. There’s little sign of weariness from any of the acts though, as they bound around the venue checking out each other’s sets and soaking-up the atmosphere. They all seem buzzing to be here for tonight’s gig, and the anticipation from the crowd matches that atmosphere.

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Live Review : Heart Of A Coward + Unprocessed + Severenth @ The Live Rooms, Chester on November 26th 2019

It’s exciting to get a tour with excellent metal bands coming through Chester – it simply doesn’t happen that often – so with Heart Of A Coward and Unprocessed choosing to stop off at The Live Rooms, ROCKFLESH jumped on the chance to get along for the fun.

First up are local lads Severenth. They’ve only just reformed this year after disbanding back around 2013, and are looking to hit the ground running with a new album in the works.

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Live Review : Heart Of A Coward + Any Given Day + Lock & Key @ Rebellion, Manchester on June 4th 2019

I’ve finished my pre-gig interview with Heart Of A Coward frontman Kaan Tasan (see the interview here), and now find myself stood in the gig queue in the pouring rain. Pouring doesn’t do it justice really, as it is absolutely thrashing it down. We shuffle ever closer towards the door until the welcoming heat of Rebellion wraps its arms around us and drags us in. Every last person who makes their way through the door looks like a drowned rat, but to a person when they see the Heart Of A Coward backdrop and merchandise table their faces light up.

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