Posts tagged Monuments
Live Review : Leprous + Monuments + Kalandra @ O2 Ritz, Manchester on February 9th 2023

A source of perennial discussion at ROCKFLESH Towers is the question of what is metal. I have even gone so far as write a 666 on the subject. These deliberations are usually a prelude to the much thornier question of do we cover this or do we cover that band. The simple truth is that Leprous are probably beginning to orbit away from our world. Their last couple of albums have exited metal completely, with “Pitfalls” being a wonderful exercise in baroque pop, and “Aphelion” having the same relationship with metal that homoeopathy has with common sense. But that doesn't stop me from wanting to cover them, as they, metal or not metal, are quite simply an astounding live act.

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Live Review : Monuments + Kill The Lights @ Academy 3, Manchester on April 22nd 2022

There’s a massive mix of rock, metal and punk punters in the Manchester Uni bar tonight, as we see a band from each genre filling Academies 2, 3 and Club. It actually makes for a vibrant and exciting energy in the building and a chance to catch-up with other Rockflesh staff for a pre-gig pint. It’s soon time for Ryan and I to make our way up to Academy 3 though, and despite having a photo-pass tonight I take up position just to the side of what will become the moshpit.

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Live Review : Monuments + Heart Of A Coward + I Built The Sky @ Rebellion, Manchester on March 3rd 2020

I’m delighted that this two-date stop-off in the UK for Monuments is taking in Manchester, especially as they have Heart Of A Coward in tow, with both being in my list of favourite bands of recent times. This is in fact the second to last date of a pretty gruelling tour, including across Europe for the past month. There’s little sign of weariness from any of the acts though, as they bound around the venue checking out each other’s sets and soaking-up the atmosphere. They all seem buzzing to be here for tonight’s gig, and the anticipation from the crowd matches that atmosphere.

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