Posts tagged Tortured Demon
Live Review : Tortured Demon + Red Method + Unburier @ Academy 3, Manchester on October 5th 2023

When I revealed to my kids that the band I was reviewing this evening was less than a handful of years older than they are, there were much cries of derision and solemn predictions that I would be the oldest person in the room by a good few decades.  The actual truth is Metal's evolution is a funny old beast and alongside teens worshipping at the altar of artists old enough to be the Grandparents, it is also as usual to find a room full of seasoned metallers getting rather overexcited about a bunch of younglings chronologically able to be their grandchildren. Tortured Demon have both outgrown and discarded the novelty tag.

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Live Review : Xentrix + Damnation’s Hammer + Tortured Demon @ Academy 3, Manchester on April 30th 2022

Due to guest list shenanigans, we only get down to the Club Academy (or cellar as it was known in my day) for the second half of Tortured Demon’s set. Annoying, but on the bright side we still get to see three tracks. Putting aside their youth, the most captivating thing about Tortured Demon is that they perfectly capture the raw turbulent energy that thrash was initially all about. They may be rough around the edges, and they may in places feel unrefined, but none of that matters because what they have at their heart is a chaotic connectivity that makes them a delicious live proposition.

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