Posts tagged Victoria Warehouse
Live Review : Steel Panther + Wayward Sons @ Victoria Warehouse, Manchester on February 9th 2020

If the joke isn’t funny anymore then nobody has told the five thousand people queuing in a storm to get into the venue. This is the night we were warned to stay in, batten down the hatches and hold our children close, yet a sold out crowd has ignored the prophets of doom and ventured out into the night. Even the Man Citeh game was cancelled due to Storm Ciara but Victoria Warehouse didn’t care that there was at least an hour long queue to get into the venue. Seriously if you’re going to frisk everyone and check the contents of their wallets then get more staff on the doors. Perhaps use the security who go around the vicinity bullying punters into paying £10 to park on public land would be a start.

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Live review : Architects + Beartooth @ Victoria Warehouse, Manchester on January 15th 2019

Tonight feels like a graduation, a celebration, an inauguration and perhaps even an ascension. After fifteen long years, Architects, always the bridesmaid and near the bride of British metal, have finally morphed into the slick stadium bothering juggernaut they always threatened to be. But before I pour platitudes on the newly crowned masters of our metallic world, there is the small matter of Beartooth (due to the indescribably long time it takes a three year to consume sausage and beans I miss openers Polaris. They could well be the greatest band in the multiverse, however due to my sons propensity for eating one bean at a time I will never know).

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