Posts tagged Delain
Live Review : Delain + Xandria @ Academy 2, Manchester on April 21st 2023

After years and years of tireless touring and recording, it looked like 2020's “Apocalypse & Chill” was going to be the record that finally propelled Delain into the big league. It had the songs, it had the exposure and it had the momentum. And then the pandemic happened and not a month into its promotional cycle we all went to hell in a handcart. Then just as the world was starting to righten itself again word came that Delain had fallen apart.

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Live Review : Delain + CyHra @ O2 Ritz, Manchester on February 7th 2020

Being an absolute In Flames fanboy I was very enticed by the prospect of CyHra as they contain not one but two former members of, in my humble opinion, Sweden’s greatest gift to metal. However, my anticipation was rather deflated when I discovered that not only had Peter Iwers actually left the band back in 2018 to start brewing beer in the suburbs of Gothenburg (teach me not to read the promotional material), but the legend that is Jesper Strömblad is also AWOL apparently taking an extended sabbatical from live performances. I therefore go into tonight’s show with rather low expectations and then preceded to have them blown to pieces.

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