Posts tagged Blackpool
Live Review : Jizzy Pearl’s Love/Hate + New Generation Superstars @ The Waterloo Music Bar, Blackpool on March 9th 2025

Sunday is supposed to be a day of the rest, but there’s surely no rest for the wicked, as, with the echoes of Ricky Warwick and the Fighting Hearts Saturday night show still ringing in our ears, ROCKFLESH are back at the Waterloo less than twenty-four hours later. Likewise, many of the same faces are present in the crowd for a second consecutive night of full-force rock n roll. This time round, though, we’re worshipping at the altar of electric, life-affirming sleaze and punk (or a combination of the two), both old and new, with Jizzy Pearl’s Love/Hate and New Generation Superstars.

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Live Review : Ricky Warwick & The Fighting Hearts + A’priori @ The Waterloo Music Bar, Blackpool on March 8th 2025

Tonight, we witness ROCKFLESH regulars A’priori for the first time since their album launch show for “Voodoo Love” back in September of last year. And as such it is our first chance to see their revamped set that includes new material from that most recent release. It’s clear that in those intervening months the Blackpool trio have put much time into rehearsing and honing the newer songs so that they sit effortlessly alongside the familiar and road-perfected tracks from their back catalogue. ‘Turn It Up’ leads the charge, a never more appropriate song for a Saturday night of good time rock music, and already hands are in the air, voices raised in unison, as A’priori do what they do best, never missing an opportunity to impress.

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Live Review : Juliet’s Not Dead + The Broken Ravens + To Nowhere @ The Waterloo Music Bar, Blackpool on Sunday February 9th 2025 

Today’s a day of celebration, to raise a glass and salute the launch of Juliet’s Not Dead new album “This World is Ours”, and to get the party started the headliners have brought along two very different support bands. 

First to take to the stage are a young five-piece To Nowhere, who deliver a short sharp shock of a set for a Sunday afternoon, albeit in a good way.  Their modern alt-rock sound pulls in a myriad of influences; there’s chainsaw riffing, a huge bass sound, a bit of grunge here, but they pull it all together in a way that works well. 

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Live Review : Firewind + Fury @ Waterloo Music Bar, Blackpool on February 6th 2025

There can surely be few things more exhilarating, more primal, more life-affirming than a night of pure, unadulterated metal.  Regardless of whichever is your personal favourite of the kaleidoscope of genres (or sub-genres) that make up modern metal in all its wondrous guises, it remains an ever-changing form that continues to inspire devotion and obsession even now in the 21st Century. 

Both bands on tonight’s bill draw from the same well, having their roots firmly in the metal of the eighties, whilst stamping their own personalities on that template, giving the gathered masses a powerful reminder (if one were needed) of just how vital an art form metal truly is. 

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Live Review : The Damn Truth + Ashley Sherlock @ Waterloo Music Bar, Blackpool, on Sunday 24 November 2024 

“I think my eyeliner’s running…” 

There are not many bands that can reduce a hardened rocker to tears.   

But when The Damn Truth last played the Waterloo, twelve months ago, that’s precisely what happened. Stood in the crowd with tears in his eyes, he wasn’t the only one to be caught up in the emotion of this incendiary, emotionally charged and supremely talented band. For many, that night was their first time seeing the band, although everyone left a convert, utterly blown away by what they’d witnessed.  This time around, the crowd is bigger, no doubt driven by the evangelical fervour that The Damn Truth foster in their fans, a fervour that means you’re going to tell absolutely anyone who’ll listen about just how utterly wonderful they truly are. That so many are gathered in the intimate surroundings of the Waterloo’s Backstage Bar, over ninety minutes before the doors even open is proof of that, if indeed any proof was needed.   

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Live Review : Black Spiders + Crowley @ The Waterloo Music Bar, Blackpool on November 2nd 2024

It’s a cold damp evening in between Halloween and Bonfire night. the generals are gathering in their masses at the Waterloo Music Bar in Blackpool. This unlikely foothold in an otherwise sequined obsessed town has quite rightly become a real stronghold on the north-west gig scene. We are here to bear witness to an evening of no frills, uncompromising filthy rock n roll courtesy of the Black Spiders. 

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Live Review: Takeaway Thieves @ The Waterloo Music Bar, Blackpool on October 6th 2024

Blackpool’s favourite rock n roll rabble-rousers Takeaway Thieves return to their spiritual home, to celebrate the launch of their long-awaited second album “Diamond Point”. The Waterloo’s Sunday Service feels like an apt way to kick off this next stage of the Takeaway Thieves career as we all come together to worship at the altar of good-time rock n’ roll in the company of some of its greatest disciples… 

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Live Review : Xander and The Peace Pirates @ Waterloo Music Bar, Blackpool, on October 3rd 2024

It’s a Thursday night in Blackpool, the weekend is almost within touching distance and what better way to bring a busy week to a close than to spend an evening in a great venue with an equally fantastic band providing some delicious rock n soul goodness. And no, that’s no typo, I did mean to type rock and soul; for that’s what Xander and the Peace Pirates deliver; music to provide a balm to the heart and mind and all points in between.

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Live Review : A'Priori + We Three Kings @ Waterloo Music Bar, Blackpool on September 6th 2024

As Blackpool basks in what is probably the last gasp of summer, it definitely feels like change is in the air.  And if it’s hot outside, in the confines of the Waterloo the sell-out crowd are pushing the temperatures up to the level of a day trip to fifth circle of Hell.   

To say there is a level of excitement and anticipation ahead of tonight’s show, would be a colossal understatement.  Such is the loyalty and passion that A’Priori inspire, that many have travelled big distances to be here, from the furthest reaches of the country and even internationally to witness the launch of A’Priori’s new album “Voodoo Love”.   

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Live Review : Kickin' Valentina + The Midnight Devils @ Waterloo Music Bar, Blackpool on September 5th 2024

It’s a school night and the Kickin’ Valentina rock n’ roll circus rolls into Blackpool for an evening of rocket-fuelled, high energy sleaze n’ roll, and with the weekend just around the corner the crowd seem intent on starting it a day early. Kickin’ Valentina have forged a hard-won reputation for delivering no-nonsense electrifying live performances, this time around bringing along the effervescent The Midnight Devils, for what is set to be a double-bill of legendary proportions, and another entry into the annals of unforgettable nights at the Waterloo. 

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Live Review : Paul Di’Anno + Gypsy’s Kiss @ The Waterloo Music Bar, Blackpool on August 22nd 2024

Gypsy’s Kiss hold a special place in the storied history of Iron Maiden, being one of Steve Harris’ earliest bands, and to see them on the same bill as the legendary Paul Di’Anno has to be a Maiden completists dream.  Formed fifty years ago Gypsy’s Kiss returned to action six years ago after a decades long hiatus and what is immediately apparent is that the six -piece band certainly still have something to say and play with a verve and flair that belies a half century pedigree. 

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Live Review : Marco Mendoza Trio + Loz Campbell @ Waterloo Music Bar, Blackpool on June 6th 2024

Fresh from pulling double duties at the recent Call of the Wild festival, Loz Campbell tonight swaps the fields of Lincolnshire for the bracing seaside air of the Northwest coast.  A firm fixture on the circuit over the last few years, Loz and her band have certainly been paying their dues and this constant touring seems to be paying off, as they tear through a strong set with both commitment and style. 

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Live Review : The Moodswingers + Dirty Box Disco @ Waterloo Music Bar, Blackpool on June 3rd 2024

There have been a lot of rumours floating around about who The Moodswingers are. Lots of speculation, lots of hints and teasers. So tonight is a bit of a scoop for the Waterloo, because the one thing we do know is that this is a secret gig and therefore the Waterloo has been chosen for a world first, even if we don’t know exactly who will be playing it! But more of that later…. 

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Live Review : Toby Jepson + Pete K Mally @ The Waterloo Music Bar, Blackpool on May 16th 2024 

It’s an unusual gig when, in many ways, what is said on stage is almost as important as the music that is played, but that’s very much the case with Toby Jepson’s show tonight.  Billed as “My Life in Words”, this is a rare opportunity to sneak a peek behind the curtain of the rock n’ roll show, and hear first-hand what it’s really like, from someone who has lived the highs and the lows, and seen and experienced more than most. 

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Live Review : Midnite City + Continental Lovers @ Waterloo Music Bar, Blackpool on April 27th 2024

There’s a single mic stand centre stage.  

Draped with a leopard print scarf, it’s a striking visual in its own right, but it also means that at a glance you immediately know what to expect from tonight’s first band, Continental Lovers.  Like the best band you were too young to see back in the day, Continental Lovers appear to have been cryogenically frozen in a trash can in an alley at the back of CBGBs sometime in the seventies or eighties, only to be reanimated for the 21st century.  Wearing their tattooed hearts on their decadently debonair sleeves, the band fire off a riotous salvo of beautifully barbed two-or three-minute glitter punk anthems. 

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Live Review : South Of Salem + The Nocturnal Affair @ The Waterloo, Blackpool on April 16th 2024

“We have such sights to show you”, said the monstrous Pinhead in the 1987 movie Hellraiser.  And just like Pinhead, so too do South of Salem, roaring into Blackpool, and showing a breathlessly expectant capacity crowd, just why they are such an electrifying and seemingly unstoppable force of nature.   

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Live Review : Jared James Nichols + McHale’s Permanent Brew @ The Waterloo Music Bar, Blackpool on March 21st 2024

Blues rock, just like any musical sub-genre is a many headed beast, one where bands are often pigeonholed together into a single category for ease, often having little in common other than a shared musical DNA. And so it is with McHale’s Permanent Brew and Jared James Nichols.  Whilst both are firmly rooted in the blues each has a very different approach and sound, and it is their contrasting interpretations of the form that make this evening’s gig so intriguing. 

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Live Review : GUN @ Waterloo Music Bar, Blackpool on February 28th 2024

Thirty-five years is a long time in music…   

Cast your minds back to the end of the eighties (if you can remember that far) and the musical landscape of the time was very different. Grunge was yet to come along and cause the sea change in the rock world whose ripples we are still feeling to this day, and nu-metal and the genre mutating new styles that would characterise the new century were still more than a decade away.

And it was at the tail end of that most glorious of decades that GUN released their debut album, the acclaimed “Taking on the World”, spawning the first of a run of chart bothering singles with ‘Better Days’, numerous Top of the Pops performances and increasingly successful tours. 

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Live Review : Stone Broken + A'Priori @ The Waterloo Music Bar, Blackpool on February 1st 2024

At the start of last year, I’d never seen A’Priori play live; by the time twelve months had rolled around I had seen them numerous times, and they ended 2023 as the band I had seen the most during the year. And whether filling a support slot, appearing on a festival bill or headlining their own shows, the one thing that is blindingly clear, is that regardless of the venue or event, A’Priori are a ferociously entertaining and excitingly dynamic live proposition. Something they proved once again tonight. 

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Live Review : Buckcherry + The Treatment + Rubikon @ The Waterloo Music Bar, Blackpool on January 24th 2024 

It’s January, it’s cold, it’s miserable and the temptation is to just stay indoors and hibernate.  So what better way to combat those mid-winter blues than with a three band sold out rock n’ roll show? 

Openers Rubikon deal in a dense, throbbing, swampy sound that certainly makes an immediate impact.  Somewhat constrained by the restricted stage areas, they make the absolute most of both the time and space afforded them. 

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