Posts tagged The Wildhearts
Live Review : The Wildhearts + Jim Jones All Stars + Dirt Box Disco @ O2 Ritz, Manchester on March 9th 2025

The wheels have come off The Wildhearts juggernaut so often that it is a wonder they are not sponsored by kwickfit. Ginger Wildheart is a self-proclaimed difficult man to work with, who has an undeniable knack of surrounding himself with difficult to work with people. The latest reunion of the classic line lasted 4 years, 1 pandemic and 2 rather spiffing albums, grinding to a halt in 2022 in flurry of mutual acrimony. Whilst lived experience has taught us to never count The Wildhearts out, this KO felt particularly final. So we were all really rather taken a aback when an all new version of the band arose from the ashes last year. Whilst Ginger is the one constant in this iteration of the band, it is a very different version of the Geordie workhouse. This is a happier, healthier Ginger who has shed both physical and emotional weight to look, god forbid, like he is actually enjoying himself.

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Live Review : The Moodswingers + Dirty Box Disco @ Waterloo Music Bar, Blackpool on June 3rd 2024

There have been a lot of rumours floating around about who The Moodswingers are. Lots of speculation, lots of hints and teasers. So tonight is a bit of a scoop for the Waterloo, because the one thing we do know is that this is a secret gig and therefore the Waterloo has been chosen for a world first, even if we don’t know exactly who will be playing it! But more of that later…. 

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Live Review : The Wildhearts + Those Damn Crows + The Middlenight Men @ Academy 2, Manchester on September 8th 2021

Tonight, is all about the redemptive and restorative power of rock n’ roll. You see, initially the signs aren’t good. This is the first major rock tour to hit the highways and byways of this fair country since we exited lockdown. The trepidation and uncertainty of the “mature” crowd is evident, for many this is the first post pause experience of an indoor crowd and there is an uneasy feeling in the room. The hall is never more than half full, with many of The Wildhearts faithful deciding that they are not quite ready to go back into battle. In fact, to start with, the crowd is so sparse that there are more members of openers The Middlenight Men on stage than there are people watching them which to be honest is a crying shame as they are as about good time rock n’roll as you can get.

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Live Review : Download Pilot @ Donington Park on June 18-20th 2021

Ok lets cut to the chase, last weekend’s Download Pilot (or Diddy Download as every bugger and their aunt are calling it) was probably the most pleasant experience I have had in the eighteen years I have been making an annual pilgrimage to Donington Park. Let’s put all the emotion aside of this being the first one back and concentrate on what worked, which frankly was its size.

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Live Review : The Wildhearts + Backyard Babies + CKY @ O2 Ritz, Manchester on January 31st 2020

Do you know who CKY are? I didn’t. I vaguely remember their logo and had them firmly placed in my head as being part of the post-grunge American punk explosion of the late 90s. Not familiar with their output but doing my homework like a good little reviewer I thought they would be loud, shouty, brash, fast-paced and funny. After all, the drummer is Bam Margera’s brother, so they had to be a little bit Jackass, right?

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Live Review : The Wildhearts + The Professionals + Janus Stark @ The Live Rooms, Chester on October 7th 2019

Why is it I’ve never seen The Wildhearts before?, I think to myself as I’m driving across the M56 heading for Chester. For a band of some 30 year standing and myself, a rock fan of some 40 years, I have to say that I’m slightly perplexed at the fact that our paths haven’t yet crossed before. Perhaps it’s because I’m lazy in my musical choices at times, or maybe that when the Geordie superstars first burst onto the scene I was still shaking my poodle mullet to the likes of Whitesnake and Kiss, with my heavier musical tastes grinding right to a halt no heavier than Judas Priest or Motorhead. Either way, tonight we’re putting it right and leaping at the opportunity to review one of the hardest working class, self- imploded bands that have ever graced the UK’s music scene, and who are currently busy on part 2 of their tour supporting their first album in 10 years, “Renaissance Men”. As well as re-education on what I've been missing out on, I’m also hoping that they will rip me a new one in the process by ways of a suitable punishment.

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Live Review : The Wildhearts + The Lazys + Last Great Dreamers @ Liverpool Grand Central on July 18th 2019

A night out in Liverpool is quite a rare thing for me, and with two of my favourite bands on the bill plus another that I’d heard good things about I was looking forward to a good night, tonight.

With 3 bands to get through, Last Great Dreamers hit the stage early, and the room was a little more empty than I think they deserved. They powered through a short but wonderful 8-song set of their power-pop-tastic songs, starting with ‘Primitive Man’ from their most recent album “13th Floor Renegades” and ending with ‘Oblivion Kids’ from the previous one “Transmissions From Oblivion”.

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Live Review : The Wildhearts + Massive Wagons + Towers Of London @ Academy 2, Manchester on May 3rd 2019

In early May 1994, as an enthusiastic but rather rough around the edges reporter I reviewed The Wildhearts playing the Student Union’s Main debating Hall for the Student Paper. I tell you this as here I am twenty-five years later as an enthusiastic but rather rough around the edges reporter for ROCKFLESH reviewing The Wildhearts play exactly the same room (now renamed Academy 2). Many things have changed (how many new buildings does Manchester actually need and where did that bloody spiral staircase come from) but other things have stayed the same; namely I still can’t spell, my social skills haven’t improved, my teeth are still in woeful condition (I remember someone at the ’94 gig commenting on it) and The Wildhearts are touring a stunning album seemingly on the verge of greatness.

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Live Review : The Wildhearts + Headsticks @ Tivoli, Buckley on June 29th 2018.

I venture for Rock far out West tonight to Buckley, a small town stuck between the Town of Mold and the larger Chester. Tivoli is one of those venues you wouldn't expect to do well when it comes to rock concerts purely based on its location. As some of you, my oldest followers will know, I have been many times to Chester's Live Rooms and more often than not, it has been a struggle for them to get 50 people in there. I arrive in good time to The Tivoli, the old theatre/cinema from the 1920's which is rather empty and as I wait patiently for the support band under no less than 6 disco balls, I have grave concerns regarding the demographics and live attendance in North Wales. In a corner, Mind the mental health charity sets up a stall selling CDs to fundraise, I manage to pick up a Stone Sour and a Stereophonics. At the merch stall, the support act from Stoke, Headsticks is offering the most varied items you can put your band name on, while the Wildhearts team is trying to figure out which boxes to open.

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